Ashraf Miah
1 min readOct 25, 2022


This seems to be a popular clickbait topic on LinkedIn so I'll remind everyone who didn't take the 30 seconds to check the original HBR article.

The image at the top is very selective, why not just include the title? Any serious analyst knows the importance of titles, labels and legends. It's probably because it doesn't create the same misleading impact otherwise.

The article is an opinion piece by Filtered published in HBR - that's not the same as authored by HBR. The fact that Filtered have a wacky idea about Data Science should be attributed to Filtered - making disparaging comments about HBR based on them publishing and providing a platform is bit rich for all is Medium authors don't you think?

I called this out at as clickbait - why comment on an article that's 4 years old based on an opinion piece from a company most of us have never heard of? Seems like some people are still shocked that major brands in journalism don't always publish great articles - don't have to be a Data Scientist to know that's the case.



Ashraf Miah

CTO, Data Scientist & Chartered Engineer (MEng CEng EUR ING MRAeS) with over 20 years experience in the Aerospace, Rail & Energy Industry.